Anxiety issue rant..

As much as i think Im a good friend, apparently other people dont feel the same, i mean i have friends, but i just don’t think i connect with people well, as much as i try to be happier and be involved, nothing seems to matter, im constantly reaching out to my friends, who honesly, do not seem like they give a fuckkkkk, BUT i feel like this is all my anxiety, but then sometimes i dont, i get stuck in this pit where i want to let people go who dont seem to bother but them i think.. they do bother.. just not when i want them too, which is hard, because i dont tend to tell people when im having a rough time.. for some reason i expect them to know.


I just feel so fucking lost sometimes.. but i can pull myself out of that before it turns into straight up depression.. Im just kinda rambling here, i dont even know what to say, it just makes me sad sometimes, that i cant just function in my brain like a normal person. I just try and cut people out all the time, fuck you before you hurt me kind of thing, i get so sad when people dont want to see me.. i honestly need to get a grip on this, people have lives Sophie for fuck sake, not everything needs to revolve around YOUUU.

I just want to say to anyone that’s still reading, if your suffering the same feelings.. as much as i’m ranting right now, it will get easier, it has to, i’m determined to be an example of that..

I think this is why i started this blog, to kind of just let it out, ramble about my life, because i complain alot, but never do anything to fix things, and this is what i’m trying to do, make it better before it gets worse. I need to learn to be happy on my own, without some sort of constant attention.. wow.. i’m going to be shocked if anyone is still reading this, well step one.. let it out.. tomorrow is a new day.. Be your own hero.. i’m out.

12 thoughts on “Anxiety issue rant..

  1. Woah, I’ve definitely contemplated these same issues and ive cut a lot of people out of my life in the past. Some of them have deserved it, others maybe not.

    You’re not alone. It’s good to find other ways to ease your own anxiety though. I think blogging will help.


      1. Yes, it’s pretty bad really, feel like everyone’s watching me all the time, thinking I’m weird 🙄😂 stops me doing a fair bit really.. but never mind. Do you suffer with anything like that.


      2. Hell yeah, I just started at a University for the first time in my life at 30 years old and so far the course work and readings have given me no anxiety but when I’m asked to introduce myself to the class, I have a mini panic attack inside… Hahah… ugh… how old are you?


      3. Wow! Congratulations on starting university! And yeah I feel that.. Speaking to new people is always scary, maybe it’s just ‘the unknown’ as such, you don’t know how people will react to you until you introduce yourself and find out.


      4. Oh yeah and if I’m feeling anxious, it compiles and I wonder if everyone knows I’m anxious. I critique every word that comes out of my mouth and how I’d said it and try to guess what others think. It’s a bad habit and I think it stems from not being able to be myself as a kid, but… I will not let it hold me back or allow myself to believe that I’m not capable of change… Take care Sophie 😊


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