First steps.. literally

Soo.. as promised.. a situation that makes me nervous, fucking exercise.. now exercise is NOT the issue.. but exercise in front of people? buttttt, I’m putting myself in these situations for a reason, so my friend and I have decided to try and get fit, so we are going to run.. well I’ll be jogging i imagine 🙄 around a public park.. it’s Monday today.. and we plan to do this Tuesday evening.. so plenty of time to get myself in a state about it.. I can feel my heart pumping a little faster just thinking about it..

To be honest I don’t even know what the problem really is.. I’m probably not going to see people I know, or see those people again for that matter. Maybe it’s because I’ll be sweating like I don’t know what and be looking a complete mess while I attempt to jog around this park.. but it doesn’t matter, I rarely have panic attack’s anymore so unless that happens I’ll be trying to push through.. I fucking got thissss🖤

6 thoughts on “First steps.. literally

  1. Hey, welcome to blogging Sophie! I look forward to supporting you on your journey. First of all, I think that’s a funny thing to be anxious about because as a guy, I actually find women who exercise and get a little sweaty to be extremely attractive for some reason! So you might actually be having the opposite effect on people 😛 Go get it, girl!

    On a second note, I just wanted to say that your text is a bit hard to read, I had to highlight it with my cursor. Maybe consider changing your background or text color. Can’t wait to see what you end up doing with your blog. 😀


    1. Hello, thank you! … and really 😂 maybe that comment will help me overcome this then 😂

      And yes I know! I’m still figuring out this App to be honest 🙄😂 I’m trying to get back to the editing the web page part.. So frustrating 😂


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